Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I got my pencil crayons out and I have drawn what you need to be wearing if you come in here on 5th May.

I have got bottles of Thatchers Katy (7.4%) Coxs (5.3%) and Gold (5.3%) as well as the regular Magners and Bulmers. Wychwood Green Goblin 6.0%) and Im getting a perry, haven't decided which one yet. So, with that and the strongbow and of course Scrumpy Jack on tap thats a cider fest and a half. I think I might even get more. I reckon if you come in fancy dress you get 50% off all cider.

Its still a work in progress. Yarnold has suggested apple bobbing in cider. Sounds good. That will be an afternoon activity, then I'll make pasties so everyone isn't too pished for the evening.


johnselekta said...

bugger, I'm DJing in London

Anonymous said...

Did you get a boy to draw this for you!?