Monday, April 02, 2007


Did I ever mention the long eared, horsebrass wearing man we suspect of stealing from the urinals ?

Well, I have news. Upon returning from my Sunday night jaunt which took in The Pack Horse, The Chester Road Tavern and Deli Garden I hear that he has been back.

Ever since Albert saw him rob some money I have had him watched. The other week someone went in the Gents to try and catch him. He thought that "H" (the suspected thief) threw the money back that he was picking up. We decided better not to make a scene and challenge him. He would only deny any way. Well, last night he was seen picking a £2 from one urinal. Swampy was working behind the bar and she challenged him about this. "H" then took my brother in the toilets to explain how he went to throw 20p in, accidentally threw £2 in so went to get it out. He then showed Lindsay his "bling" on his arm, explaining how it was worth 18 grand or some shit like that,said he didnt need to steal money and slat £8 in coins in the urinal. Bizarrley he then said "your bar maid has a serious problem" and showed my brother a bullet.

Muvva Fukka.

Macclesfield south central or what?

I will of course keep you posted. If I go all quiet though then you may assume the gypsy has shot me.

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