Monday, April 23, 2007


I love this wi-fi malarchy. I'm blogging from in the pub, how exciting.

Its a bit quite tonight so Aaron is doing the bar while I take a breather. I dont really need one, all I did today was go to Primarkand then had a beer with Nina who got back from doing the marathon with her medal.

Because Tescos is just across the road and I shop there all the time I thought I'd go to Sainsburys tonight for a change. I took advantage of the salad bar and now I am absolutley stuffed from eating undigestable cous-cous, tabbaallololaeh (or something like that), chick pea and other bits of salad. I was so hungry I ate the pumpkin ravioli I bought whilst walking home , raw. It was surprisingly nice.

My fridge is still broken. My brother took a look at it and has so far got no further with it. Good news is though he thinks he might be able to fix the oven. This is good news and bad news. Being a veggie, my food never messes up the cooker therefore takes little cleaning. Only he uses it and cooks bacon, chicken or lamb kebabs (the latter whilst singing Amy Winehouse) which messes up the trays with loads of fat and other minging stuff. He then doesn't wash up after himself which means I have to do it. I dont think that is really fair cos believe it or not I dont like scrubbing lardy shite off of things.
If he fixes the oven, it just means more stuff for him to mess up.
Might be best off leaving it broken.

Primark today was fine, I was in and out in record time. Only 2 of the items I purchased are probably going to go in the bin. Size wise I made no text book errors (I checked the labels and not the hanger size). There is still alot of shite in there, Im not loviing the fluro mini ra-ra skirt and they had the worst raincoats I have ever seen in the strangest shiny silver and blue. Best thing I got was a black dress with mustard/white flowers on it and a ribbon. I like the pale orange shirt I bought too only unfortunatley I managed to get eyeliner on the front of it, right on my bust which I then successfully smeared and made it look worse.

I even fell for the big long black flowery dress. Mainly cos in the paper it said how it was flying off the shelves. It looks ok but god only knows when or where I would wear it.


Anonymous said...

Erm, dude, is your dress with the flowers and the ribbon the sleeveless one that uses the ribbon as a sash? If so I got the same one a couple of weeks ago!!!

Sam xxx

jeremy beagle said...

Yes, sounds like it.
Nice isn't it?!
I proper likes it.