Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I really annoy myself.
Im a horrible drunk.
I like to think Im a happy drunk but Im a twatty drunk in reality. I wouldn't hang out with me.

I think my brain is bleeding. The pain is immense. I knew it was going to get bad when I finished off my first wine in the Legh Arms at lunch and it tasted good despite the fact that I was still slighty rough from drinking the night before. I ended up drinking with Cress til 4 the night before and all I really remember is trying to draw a dogs penis. See, Im not even a facinating drunk.

Last night I went to the Flowerpot where I used to work and did the quiz. I made a crunt of myself by jabbering on to Mutley from the Macc Lads about tomatos, Attila the Stockbroker and Tescos. I just want to forget the rest.

I tied my hair up in rags and now its really curly. That is all I know. Universe of pain.

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