Friday, April 06, 2007


The buying of lemons and limes in Tescos is a tricky buisness.

I know I have said before some of the difficulties I have ran in to but today was by far the strangest.

To recap, lemons and limes are about 19p each in Tescos.

Now, this isnt rocket science.

I put 10 lemons in one bag and 20 limes in the other.

I told the lady at the check-out how many were in each.

She did the 10 lemons, no problem but when it came to the limes she started shouting at me, saying she could only do 10 at a time and said she would have to rip the bag open. I realise that she means the till will only let her ring 10 through at a time so I suggest maybe she rings 10 limes through twice. No she says and starts tutting at me, telling me that she had to seperate them all to weigh them. So I pointed out they were 19p each, said it wasn't hard and just ring through 10 limes twice. She treid, expecting it not to work but of course it did so she then threw the rest of my shopping (2 cucumbers and some celery) down the chck out after she had scanned it. The other shoppers looked on and tried not to laugh.

She must be having a bad day.
I cant blame her, I hate customers like me too.

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