Wednesday, February 14, 2007


You know how sometimes, when you are bored and full of red bull with nothing else to do, you randomly flick through blogs. Well, after work I couldn't sleep and came across this incredibly long one about some man whos wife had left him. Now, it does go on a bit and I did scroll through quite alot. Anyway, seems he hired a private investigator to find out who his ex was now seeing and the guy lives down the road from me. Well, 252 Park Lane to be exact! Sounds like the author man lives near Sheffield. It goes on a bit but its quite insightful its

by the way, I am calmer now than before.


Sam said...

Did you notice he mentioned Prince of Wales in there? do you think thats your pub?

jeremy beagle said...

Yeah, no I dont think it is. How weird would it be if we knew who they were though?

nina said...

Someone in my office thinks they know someone called Christian Hill but they think he could only but early 30's, any thoughts. I was thinking these people have to be late 40's, has she got a toyboy?

jeremy beagle said...

Is it wrong to be so interested in strangers?

I was guessing they,or at least Sandra and Robby are in there 40's or 50's. Think he said they were married for 35 years.

Doesn't he say Christian Hill has a son called Dextor? There was a Christian Hill at kings about my age. I dont think its him.

252 Park Lane is the one on the corner across the road from South Park Surgery opposite the 12 appostles. Dont think I know anyone who lives there now.

Anonymous said...

I think he lives in Chesterfield. There is a Blue Stoops in Chesterfield.

nina said...

I'm gripped I need to know more, I want to know what they look like. I don't think it is that wrong to want to know about strangers. I mean he has published this and if it was fiction then you could use your imagination to figure what they are like but because we know it isn't fiction then I want to know the truth, waffle waffle.