Sunday, February 25, 2007


Then spare a thought to whoever it is that goes to recycle their gin bottles at the bins in Duke Street Car Park Macclesfield.

Every Saturday morning recently when faced with the options of the
green glass bottle bank, the clear glass bottle bank and the brown glass bottle bank they keep leaving their empty blue 70cl bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin on the floor t'wixt the green and the clear bins.

I'm not in a position to give a correct ruling here, this is not my forte. But you would think that week after week after doing the same thing he/she would either leave it home, switch gin, put it in either of the other colour bins or make them in to candle holders and light their house all romantic like.

Maybe they think that the people who come and empty the bottle bins put the blue ones on the seat next to them in their truck and take them back to the depot and drop it in the special blue recycling bin. Maybe they are leaving it out so they get the hint and give us a blue bin. Maybe they believe in recycling faries who magically pick up the bottle and put it in the bin.....oh hang on...its nearly true, its me.Yes - I am that fairy. I put them in the green one.

Well, enough of this drivel. I need to get out more. I'm off out tonight to see Amy Winehouse at Manchester Academy or whatever they are calling it these days. This is good cos that means I can drink Fruli at the Kro across the road before and after! And I loves me Fruli (in a shit Ali G voice)

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