Thursday, February 15, 2007


Greame Wilson that comes in is doing a rewrite of his first book, Macclesfield and the art of long distance walking. Its to celebrate some anniversary or something. In it he wants to write about here and some of the things I have done which make Porters as good as it is. So I need to write him a brief outline of some of the things I've done....

So far I have...

Rugby cartoon playing cards
'No money will be left in these urinals overnight'
The Porters Blimp
The free umbrellas
Fish tank in the gents
Champagne fridays (rip)
what other crap have I thought up in the last 8 years? Surely we have done more....


Anonymous said...

What about the webcam (not working now but ace in its day)?
Mosaic terraced houses ?

nina said...

Gin menu, oyster bar, R Kelly opera viewings everytime you are drunk lol!

Anonymous said...

The old website was cool as well.

Also putting on breakfasts early doors e.g. when the British Lions were playing.

Selling proper beer like Deuchars instead of just that creamflow rubbish that lots of other pubs sell.

Anonymous said...

Wham Bar Vodka
Bizzarre Snacks
Bloody Mary
Mikey B