Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I am so inspired by Kay and Linds 37 days off the booze and so uninspired by my 1 and a half day hangovers that I am not drinking now until 25th.

I have pure work on cos my Dad and brother are off to Canada tomorrow leaving me to work more in the pub. There are loads of brewery dudes in on Monday who I need to charm to see if I can get a place on that Brussells trip in May. Its looking up, I have beaten my first target - selling 2021 gallons in 4 weeks. Thats 16168 pints...not bad ey? I am doing them a favour on Monday, which I will in turn be rewarded with a few cases of wine.Woo-hoo.

So if I lay off the booze I might get some work done, then I will reward myself with a few when I go to see the Winehouse on 25th. I am so excited, I love the Winehouse.

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