Monday, February 05, 2007


Why wont silk fm play with me?

My alarm clock is tuned in to go off at 7am. I didnt have to get up straight away so I lay and listened to the silly thing. They played that dreadful comic relief song by Sugarbabes (who I quite like) and Girls Aloud (who we have now established I hate.)

Then they rabbited on about all the turkeys that got gases and shipped to somewhere near Leek. They asked for people to ring in with there views on the gassing of birds. I texted them "They should have gassed them Girls Aloud birds, it would have saved us from that awful song" and waited for them to read out the text number. They didnt so I just sent it to the landline.

That then reminded me of how much fun it is to text rude stuff for the landline text reader to say so I threw them a few classics about how "106.9 made my nipples hard" and got the woman to say things that needed looking up like

Botulinonia (female masturbation utilising a sausage that is often heated or lubricated)

Rantallion (a man whose scrotum hangs lower than his penis)

and the ever classic.....

Kokigami (the japanese art of wrapping a penis in a paper costume)

and can you believe they didnt even mention me. Im switching to Galaxy. Consider yourself with one less listener Silk Fm. Im bored of their Pete Doherty bashing anyway.

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