Tuesday, February 06, 2007


My Mom took me to that factory shop in Congleton when I was about 12. There were these bargin priced pyjama/jogging suit things in terry towel. She bought me a red pair and a blue pair. They werent great but ok. As soon as I put on the red pair I became really ill. Well, flu ill. I was in bed for a few days. Then, I am not joking but when I went to wear them a few weeks later I got all poorly again. They had been washed and everything. They were definatley cursed. I made her burn them.

Sorry, I was just remembering that as I feel like shite today. I have just had a bath and put on these new pyjamas that my Mom got me for christmas. They are the same kind of red. Coincidence? Well yes, obviously! Sounds like it could be the plot for a really bad tv horror movie. "The Curse of the Congleton Pyjama" or "When Pyjamas Kill" (if I hadn't have figured out they were possessed, you never know, they could have killed me).

Well, I have swapped my shift with the fantastically lovely and flexible Liz so I can just go to bed.I think by tomorrow my voice will have totally dissappeared leaving me free to do some dirty phone line work as I will probably have that Honour Blackman thing going on.

I saw my old biology teacher in Tescos. She rolled her trolley up to me and asked me when we were going to Canada. What? Dont know how she knew, she usually ignores me. Shes a nice lady, scared me shitless at school. She never liked me cos my skirts were too short and I didnt wear a blazer. She said she liked Canada. It reminded her of pre-thatcher Britain. I didn't know what to do with that one so I just laughed. It was obvious I didnt have a clue what she was on about!

Oh, and Rob, if you are reading....dont worry about your broken pen problem. I have sorted it. Prepare to be very impressed.

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