Thursday, February 09, 2006


OK, so its Thursday. Apologies to Miss Chiarella over in Sydney for my rubbishness at keeping this up to date. But really, there hasn't been much going on.

Tuesday... Paul picked me up at 8am (yikes) and we drove to Stevenage. Yes, I know it sounds more than random but hes working down there this week. Only on Tuesday he felt like swinging the lead (or whatever that skiving saying is) so we proceeded to drink Stevenage dry. I myself did impressively well and had about 12 magners and plenty of vodka. We stayed in a premier lodge, very Alan Partridge.
I got the train back in the morning to be greeted with my wonderful new wellies which I promptly donned and strutted around Macc avec le chiens. Oh la la.
Worked the massive amount of 3 hours on the bar then went to Congleton with the birds Linds and Kay. Had an alarming call of Annion telling me of the riot that had broken out. God damn that Hayley, shes a ruff one.

It is only 2 days to go before I can share Linds birthday present with you (there is a website!). All will make sense but it has been responsible for me sending many wrong picture messages to Paul, as the gift has inspired us so. Watch this space.

Finally, it is champagne Friday tomorrow and I am proper excited. Infact, I must go and pre-order my oysters now. It will be immense.

1 comment:

katie the pink ape said...

I am excited (and also slightly scared) at the wrongness of the present. Its contents are a mystery to me too! Roll on saturday........

Although I don't know whether it will beat my present of a gallon of vintage vinegar.........