Monday, February 04, 2008

Where does the time go? Cant believe its Sunday night already.
Well finally all of the rest of my stuff came today so I have clothes to choose from. I havent dared try any of them on yet...I have a feeling it will not be good news.

I have been working at the bar everynight and consequentley drinking there after I had finished. Tonight Im going to have an early night though and stay clear of the ole bottlecaps.

So between the Co-Op and the hotel I haven't done much else, I have little to report. Except I didnt realise how just about all my clothes are not suitable for this -20 malarchy, they are all pretty summery. Me and Jen are going winter clothes shopping in the spring sales later on so next year at least I will be geared up.

Well Im bored now, they are watching the superbowl on tv so I'll have to find another way to entertain myself.


Anonymous said...

What exactly are bottlecaps??


jeremy beagle said...

OMG, just wait til you get here! they are my new favourite thing.

its a shooter, you have a splash of sprite and lime juice (you know that powdered lime juice) then you drop a shot of half red sour puss and half rootbeer schnapps.

Apparentley they taste just like some sweets you can get here called Bottlecaps - I've not seen those but the drink tastes ace.