Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Oatcakes are on hold, I forgot it was Pancake Tuesday and making anyother kind of cake seemed wrong. So, if my christain math is correct does that mean we are now in lent for fourty days or until easter or something? God only knows (ha, suppose he does!) I might try that giving up chocolate thing again then, not because I'm a god botherer but because I have put on about 16 pounds in the 10 weeks I've been here. So Im being selfish really whilst trying to be selfless. Hang on, I'm getting blog post deja I say this every year?.............

*goes to look up earlier blog lent/chocolate posts*

..........yep. Oh well, I am nothing if but consistant.

Im so excited, I'm going to Saskatoon for my first time next week. They have the only Lush store in Saskatchewan.
I'm going to buy BIG, BIG, BIG I tells ya.


Anonymous said...

I tried to take a picture for you on my way home but it came out all shit. Do you remember the girl with the pink car who we sent really random pink shit to? I saw said car and it made me laugh. Lots.

Anonymous said...

Giving up chocolate is easy. 50 creme eggs is the hard part.

jeremy beagle said...

Ha ha, I forgot about the 50 creme eggs! Legendary