Tuesday, February 05, 2008


  • 3.5 ounces course oatmeal,

  • 3.5 ounces medium oatmeal,

  • 5 ounces self raising flour

  • 2 tea spoons of salt(or more depending on your taste)

  • add water until it is like tooth paste

  • leave for at least 6hrs or overnight to soak

  • then add 2 heaped tea spoons of baking soda to water and add to mixture until its like pancake mix

  • then put a small amount of lard or butter in fry pan and cook them until golden brown(both sides of course).

  • Let them cool and wrap in tea towel and place in the fridge,

  • either fry them in in a fry pan with butter or toast under grill.

I have a right hankering for oatcakes. Breakfast just isnt the same wthout them

Wish me luck

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