Sunday, February 24, 2008


Although by UK standards it is still cold outside (a mind numbing -7oC) by recent Cabri standards its a beautiful day (a balmy -7oC). The sun was shining and the Curling had finished on the telly so I went for a walk with the hound and my Mum. For a change I remembered my camera.......

The meetings of the local Beatles Fan Club are held here every third Tuesday of the month
Finally it looks as if the snow is melting. I am soooooo excited for spring and summer......

Mum, Jeremy, Bones, Thugs n' tell me whatcha gonna do when judgement comes for you???

It just puts you in a good mood doesn't it? No rainclouds here

Ok, I got a bit carried away with my E.L.O shots

Heading back into town
Local wildlife
The mighty Cabri Hotel

The Hall (where I spent NYE)
Front of The Hotel
School Bus

The Silver Cafe...the ONLY place for Chinese Foo

Where I get to wear fancy high waisted blue trousers
Its melting finally....proper skiddy out though
Check out the mural

The Town Hall, still with Santa on top

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