Thursday, February 28, 2008


I've just been on YouTube for time looking for a NMA song to post but I really cant pick a favourite. They all remind me of so many different things. I like them all.

Did I ever tell you about my most disastorous NMA occasion? It just goes to prove my bad luck....

It was 1994 I think and I came home from Brighton to stay with Johnson for the weekend when she lived in ...erm, wherever the velodrome is in Manchester - I cant remember. Anyway, I was kind of seeing this punk called Broady and there was a Criminal Justice Bill Rally thing in Rusholme so me and Claire got the bus and went. We had no money and I seem to remember we figured that if we pretended to be drunk we would eventually feel it, thus saving money. this went on for about 5 minutes then we cribbed some cherry wine off some goths. Then we were sat in the sun on Platt Fields, Broady was there and bought us more booze then I was busting for the toilet.It was miles away but I decided to go. After I queued up and finally got to pee I heard Justin Sullivan from NMA playing in the distance. Now he wasnt due to play but I was mid flow. I was so excited, after I finished and washed my hands I ran back to the stage. It was over, he had gone, he played just turned up unannounced pplayed one song and then left. To this day I have lied and said I saw it but I didn't, I just peed along to Vengence. The day was making so much sense until then, it got a lot more wrong...but lets not get into that.

Eleven Years by NMA always reminds me of Johnson, that and Whirlwind (from when we used to stay in Bosley), Adrenelin reminds me of living in Brighton, SmallTown England reminds me of drinking in the Millstone on a Friday night back in the day,...god, I could go on all day.

When I did the Europe tour thing we used to sit in a van driving from venue to venue, (and I remember hitching alot) Chumbawumba were supporting most of it and if we turned up early enough for their sound check Danbert would give us passes for the night. So we did that, drank wine from tetra paks and pan handled until they played. It feels like a million years ago now. I had paraclogs, dredlocks, piercings and everything. It was bad. I guess I've grown up now.


OMG. I dont know if I have mentioned it ever but I love New Model Army. Well, admittedly not like I used to back in the day but like riding a bike it never leaves you.
Anyway, I remember hearing that they are playing in Canada on 7th April in Edmonton (which is a 6 hours drive away and deemed reletively close) - I thought nothing of it at the time. But I have just figured out that I am going to Vegas in April, flying from Edmonton and was thinking about coming back on 8th. Think I will have to rethink my date there. Then I can add Edmonton, Canada to my list of "places where I have seen New Model Army" which so far stands at (I know this sounds sad....)
somewhere near Luton beginning with H
2 Places in Switzerland somewhere
After the bar closed I decided to take an inpromptu tour of the ice roads and the whole road building thing...Alvin kindly drove me someplace and let me motivationally speak to the workers via CB (which was basically me just saying "harder, faster, more" which was greated by lots of "fuck off Catherine") but I suppose it was about 4am and some drunk lady gabbling to you would not be good.
I seem to remember singing lots of Meatloaf and REO Speedwagon on the way home. Its all good

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


If you go in to any McDonalds in the world and hum "der-der-der-der-der" (in tune with the advert) then the staff members have to sing "I'm lovin it" back to you or they get sacked?

Monday, February 25, 2008


I added Langley resident John Squire as a friend on facebook (I know its the real one cos hes mates with someone I know) he accepted. A few days later I "became a fan" of Ian Brown on facebook and John Squire is now no longer my friend. Make of that what you will.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Although by UK standards it is still cold outside (a mind numbing -7oC) by recent Cabri standards its a beautiful day (a balmy -7oC). The sun was shining and the Curling had finished on the telly so I went for a walk with the hound and my Mum. For a change I remembered my camera.......

The meetings of the local Beatles Fan Club are held here every third Tuesday of the month
Finally it looks as if the snow is melting. I am soooooo excited for spring and summer......

Mum, Jeremy, Bones, Thugs n' tell me whatcha gonna do when judgement comes for you???

It just puts you in a good mood doesn't it? No rainclouds here

Ok, I got a bit carried away with my E.L.O shots

Heading back into town
Local wildlife
The mighty Cabri Hotel

The Hall (where I spent NYE)
Front of The Hotel
School Bus

The Silver Cafe...the ONLY place for Chinese Foo

Where I get to wear fancy high waisted blue trousers
Its melting finally....proper skiddy out though
Check out the mural

The Town Hall, still with Santa on top

Friday, February 22, 2008


Now did you know that?

Keeping frozen food in a freezer? Whatever next?
And whats all this crazy talk about todays refrigerator/freezer models coming with the freezer on the top or the bottom of the appliance?
I suppose they'll be telling us that people travel around the country in a box with windows on four wheels called cars.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I got in from the bar about 4am and tried to video myself miming to The Killers "Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll". I did this twice and neither actually worked (note to self, learn how to use your camera). I added a tash to make it look more real. now it will not come off. Well, it has come off but Im left with 5 o'clock shadow.

So I just sang along and took normal pictures put them all on face book and now I look a right Charlie.

Oh well, its all good.

Is it just me or we having alot of moon eclipses at the minute? I've seen 3 in the last few years and yet they still bang on about how rare they are. Maybe Im getting old.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The long and not winding road from Saskatoon.

You can buy No7 Preserve,Protect,Embalm & Perfect Serum (or whatever that stuff is called) for £5 cheaper here than you can in the UK.

Ok, that is one of the many things I learnt this weekend. I have found the Canadian version of TK Maxx called Winners (although I think they might even have TK Maxx here - I just havent seen it yet.)

Saskatoon was ace, I forgot how I missed the city. We went to a pub called "The Yard And Flagon" (or was it flail?) and even went for a curry at the Taj Mahal. Nice.

I still have yet to find a Canadian Primark although I have heard good things about a shop called Giant Tiger....Im hoping that they are the same.

Driving to Saskatoon was a bit scarey. The road disappeared under blown snow for a while and it really hurts your eyes cos its just so bright out. Thankfully I had my shades so I maynot get as many wrinkles around my eyes as I might ought to have.Coming back was easier. The sun was out and was quite warm through the window, infact over the weekend it even got up to zero degrees which is nice let me tell you. I've been daydreaming about summer all day today, I cant wait.

Monday, February 18, 2008


There is a funeral directors in Saskatoon called "Mourning Glory".

I kid you not.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I have just discovered that Ethan from jPod is not actually that little hobbit Elijah Wood. They are infact different people. I'm still not properley convinced. They look the same to me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I'm so excited. I'm going to Saskatoon for a few days on Saturday and you know what that means???...

Yes, I can go shopping. So, so excited. I cant tell you how I have missed it. I'm not even going for for anything in particular, just to walk around shops that arent the Co-Op, Safeway or Walmart will be enough of a treat. Imagine if I found a Canadian Primark!! Ok, I'll calm down.

Plus, Saskatoon has Saskatchewans only Lush shop, and OMG I *heart* Lush.

And, if that wasnt enough I hear they have Indian Restaurants too. I cant tell you how much I am looking forward to feasting on Poppadoms and drinking a pint. None of this bottled malarky.

I am well aware that something will no doubt crop up between now and Saturday which will alter my plans but as far as things go that is my plan. Its been nearly three months of country living, which, dont get me wrong, I am enjoying but I do miss big towns and cities. Saskatoon sounds like it is right up my street. I'm still looking for somewhere to settle after all....

Monday, February 11, 2008


It was worth walking to work this morning at 7.50am into winds that made the -20oC it was feel more like -40oC just to find this little gem waiting for me.

Ummmm, cookie anyone???

Right, must dash...I have a batch of Spunkmeyers in the oven


Ok, Im just about fed up of continually waking up at 4 in the morning. I've been awake for two hours now and cant go back to sleep.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Except he isn't.

Sorry just caught myself singing it...actually I was singing "wants out, beagle wants out" which he indeed does but its minus a million and windy outside so the chances of me walking him are zero to nil. Sorry Jeremy, its the long lead for you boy.


I love Vampire Weekend


I dont know about everybody else but if Im having a gay moment and add some crappy application on Facebook where I have to invite 20 friends I just send it to the first 20 people.
I'm glad my name doesnt begin with an A, cos then I'd have even more crap to ignore.

Ok, that was just a thought.
Its Sunday, my brother is hungover and Im still surprisingly well.
Tis Yarnolds birthday tomorrow....if you're readiing this Yarnold then let it be known that I did try to ring you (a day early I know but chances are with work/the time difference I will not be able to catch you tomorrow). I'm still working on your birthday present.....its coming.

I see Camden Market burnt down Cor Blimey Guvnor. Last time I was there was with the Quinn I think, the day he decided to come to Canada with us on holiday or did we go there for Kays birthday? I know we went there the weekend of the Violent Femmes, whe we drank all that Vanilla Vodka served by the man who was in the Bill twice....yes hang on, we did go that time we stayed in Primrose Hill, they wouldnt make us Paralysers in the Old Lock so we did one and I told the Bouncers it was shit in there! God, Im a knobhead. What was my point? I forget now...


Fanfare please.......

I've just noticed that this is my 700th post.


Bleurrgh, Im feeling the two bottles of wine from last night now, let me tell you.
Im not quite in a WOP yet but I think its round the corner, Im thinking I might try to sidestep it by just lying in bed and watching old Bo Selecta, Im not working til 6, its -27 outside,blowing a gale and I have precious little else to do. If I had my time travelling machine I'd go back to the Drum and Monkey during the Lavn days and have the best Sunday Lunch I've ever had but I dont, so I cant.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Ah, where would us over seas folk be without you? Im particularly loving the srticle about Nick Winterton this week. I love the "its one rule for them another for us" quotes. There are lots in this weeks paper from the coffee drinkers of Macclesfield. A good time to remember some classic Viz if ever I heard one....

Dame Helen Mirren has won all these Baftas, Golden Globes and Oscars for playing the Queen, and she's only done it once. Meanwhile, Queen lookalike Jeanette Charles has been doing it for years, and she hasn't got so much as a pat on the back. Once again, it's one rule for Dames, and another rule for bank manager's wives who bear a passing resemblance to the reigning monarch.
-Ann Barton, Grimsby

Everywhere I go I see signs saying 'Post no bills', yet every day in the post I receive bills from the the gas board, electricity board and telephone company. It's just another example of one rule for multinational utilities and another for the rest of us.
-Edna P Gallows, Edgeware

How come St. George got beatified for killing the rarest creature ever with a massive sword, while I get absolutely fucked by the RSPCA for slaying common frogs with a penknife? As usual, it's one law for knights in armour and another for the rest of us.
-John Taters, Gloucester

HOW come rap artist Dr. Dre can use the 'N' word on his multi-million selling albums and win a MOBO award, yet when I used it at my son's football match I was asked to leave the park? Once again, it's one law for the rich and another for the poor.
-Alan Hedgejumper, Glasgow

A Channel 4 film crew were recently arrested and held in custody for squirting a water pistol into Tom Cruise's face. However, I saw the Chuckle Brothers' 'Pirates of the Rother Valley' show at the Tyne Theatre last week, and I was squirted several times with a Supa Soaker, as was the rest of the audience. When I dialled 999, the police simply didn't want to know. Once again, it's one of those letters that end with 'it's one rule for one and one rule for another'.
-Chester Bluestar,Newcastle


Oatcakes are on hold, I forgot it was Pancake Tuesday and making anyother kind of cake seemed wrong. So, if my christain math is correct does that mean we are now in lent for fourty days or until easter or something? God only knows (ha, suppose he does!) I might try that giving up chocolate thing again then, not because I'm a god botherer but because I have put on about 16 pounds in the 10 weeks I've been here. So Im being selfish really whilst trying to be selfless. Hang on, I'm getting blog post deja I say this every year?.............

*goes to look up earlier blog lent/chocolate posts*

..........yep. Oh well, I am nothing if but consistant.

Im so excited, I'm going to Saskatoon for my first time next week. They have the only Lush store in Saskatchewan.
I'm going to buy BIG, BIG, BIG I tells ya.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


  • 3.5 ounces course oatmeal,

  • 3.5 ounces medium oatmeal,

  • 5 ounces self raising flour

  • 2 tea spoons of salt(or more depending on your taste)

  • add water until it is like tooth paste

  • leave for at least 6hrs or overnight to soak

  • then add 2 heaped tea spoons of baking soda to water and add to mixture until its like pancake mix

  • then put a small amount of lard or butter in fry pan and cook them until golden brown(both sides of course).

  • Let them cool and wrap in tea towel and place in the fridge,

  • either fry them in in a fry pan with butter or toast under grill.

I have a right hankering for oatcakes. Breakfast just isnt the same wthout them

Wish me luck

Monday, February 04, 2008

Where does the time go? Cant believe its Sunday night already.
Well finally all of the rest of my stuff came today so I have clothes to choose from. I havent dared try any of them on yet...I have a feeling it will not be good news.

I have been working at the bar everynight and consequentley drinking there after I had finished. Tonight Im going to have an early night though and stay clear of the ole bottlecaps.

So between the Co-Op and the hotel I haven't done much else, I have little to report. Except I didnt realise how just about all my clothes are not suitable for this -20 malarchy, they are all pretty summery. Me and Jen are going winter clothes shopping in the spring sales later on so next year at least I will be geared up.

Well Im bored now, they are watching the superbowl on tv so I'll have to find another way to entertain myself.