Tuesday, May 15, 2007


My tonsills are massive, my skin feels wrong, my mouth tastes of glue.
At least when I am ill I'm ill with two things at once. That really is taking multi-tasking to new heights. I've always thought multi-tasking would see the end of me. Not through this though, I'll end up doing two things at once and I'll probably die in some stupid multi-tasking accident...like drying my hair whilst in the bath and dropping the hair drier in the tub.

Sorry, feeling a bit sorry for myself at the minute.

Oh, and I still have the cold sore. I'm falling apart. I haven't felt this shit in a long time.

I've got the night off work so Im having an early night, but Im not going to bed until I have drank 2 litres of water. The glue taste isn't making this task easy.

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