Thursday, May 31, 2007


Yes, finally it feels like things are moving.

I have just rang my boss and given my leaving date as Sunday 24th June. Thats just 24 days, yes, I'm counting them.(He has said I can change my mind if I want...he doesnt want me to leave!)

My parents have sold their house subject to blah blah blah and the new people are ready to move in July.

So, I just have to throw all my crap away and find somewhere for me and the hound to live from 24th June until we go.(I still do not have a date for this yet).

Dog wise heres the plan.... I love both of them so much but I really think that the travel and whole move thing would not be in Bensons best interests, I have cried myself to sleep about it for months now but have finally decided that Carla and John are going to have him.I am going to leave him behind. I know they will give him a great home and life. At the end of the day that is the most important thing - not how happy he makes me but how happy he is.

Jeremy however I think will handle the journey, hes about 9 years younger than Benson plus hes that badly behaved I wouldn't want to put anyone through the mither of looking after him. I will leave him with Claire Johnson when I first go, then he can come when we are settled and have found a house and moved in I will get him sent over. He'll love it with Claire, he loves the horses and whole country side thing.

So, I'm going to have to find me a little work here to keep me going until I leave.

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