Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Have WH Smiths been bought out by Cadburys? What is with the persistant pushing of big bars of Cadburys chocolate when you are at the till?

"Would you like some chocolate with your pens?" WTF?

Well, actually yes, I would but its Tuesday and Im going to try and make weigh in tonight at Fat Club.

Oh, BTW the "no chocolate and cake" during lent bit the big one 3 days into it. I had 2 boxes of Creme Eggs behind the bar and quite frankly Jesus himself would have found that hard to resist.

Anyway, I have bought me some pens to make a fantastic St Pats promotion thing to stick out on the tables for tomorrow. I have come up with a beautiful little promotion for the black stuff and as Guinness' head of commercial what have you is coming here tomorrow morning I figured I'd wow them with my genius. I was gong out on the lash and gambling at the Casino tomorrow but seems we are having a family meeting tomorrow night. Never actually had one of them before - but then, we've never all decided to emmigrate. T'is sensible to talk about it when not three pints pissed.

I have got a new phone and I proper love it, even though its not a Sony Ericsson. Its a Samsung d900 which will work when I move abroad (providing I dont drop this one down the toilet or lose it when p*ssed up).
The screen saver chanes with the time of day and shows city or country shots depending on where you are. Seems Macc is a city. I'll see if it changes when I go to Bolly tonight. I call that country.

I am sadly excited by the fact that The Wurzels have released "I am a cider drinker". I have always been a massive fan and talked endlessly about the "Scrumpy & Western" nights I want to hold with bare backed pig riding. I may be able to get my yokel fancy dress outfit out after all. Also, as stupid Victoria Newton slated it in the Sun it will no doubt do well then she will say that she predicted it (like when she said Lily Allen would deffo win The Brits, then, weeks later after Winehouse won she said that she correctly predicted it. Liar liar pants on fire Newton. One day you will become unstuck.

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