Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Ok, so here is my new fantastic Guinness promotion idea.

I think you will be amazed at my generosity....

I'm calling it "GUINNESS IS FOR LIFE, NOT JUST FOR ST PATRICKS DAY", yes, its a little inspired by the hounds...

So, here is the main jist of it....

You have to get yourself one of those myspace pages if you dont have one already. Once you do then you ask for me to be your friend then you can leave a comment. You have to leave a comment saying how "GUINNESS IS FOR LIFE, NOT JUST FOR ST PATRICKS DAY". If you do this then you will be entered into a draw. I will give each of you a raffle ticket number. On Saturday 17th March...which is of course St Patricks Day I will get someone in the pub to draw out a ticket.

Now, get this......

The winner will be entitled to one free pint of Guinness everyday from the day after (18th) right through March and all the way through April as well-up until the last day on 30th. So, thats 44 pints of Guinness in total.

And no, before you ask....they cant be rolled over or swapped or sold or given away. If you dont come in that day then you lose that pint. Its that easy.

I have just started drinking he black stuff and I'm loving it.

So, do I have the best ideas or what? Not sure if the Portman Group will agree with me but I think its pretty cool. (the thingss I do to get friends ey?!)


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