Friday, August 11, 2006


I could not be sadder.

Im not going to say why on here anymore cos I fear it will backfire.


jeremy beagle said...

Have just been informed its 6 years, and maybe then it might not be gone

jeremy beagle said...

Oh, and on a lighter note... Me, Kay and Lynds met Eric Bristow last night. Get in.

Teacups and Fairycakes said...

Oh my fucking god, really? what a prick.
Who is Eric Bristow?

jeremy beagle said...

What do you mean who is Eric Bristow? only mr darts himself, the crafty cockney.

He was in the Bruce.

Im so sick of crying, I just want to hide.

Teacups and Fairycakes said...

Oh my.
What a wanker! I'm so angry at him. How dare he??? Has he offered anything at all by means of an explanation?

Teacups and Fairycakes said...

This man?

jeremy beagle said...

Apparently it "doesnt feel right".
Strange for a man who only last week suggested I moved to london with him or we had a pub together, how beautiful our childern would be and how hes never felt like this about anyone blah blah friggin blah. I was slightly in denial as I think he is maybe crabby with jetlag but Ive still had no contact so spose I better face facts. Tosser. See, now in my head I think things will change and I will delete this post. But we know it aint gonna happen.

jeremy beagle said...

thankyou lady, Im selfishly drowning in self pity on the settee.
I need love.
Now I know lots of people read this and I dont mind sharing my pain with you. It would however cheer me up if more of you silent readers gave me some encouragement...just for today.

Sam said...

Hey Cat, how are you feeling today? Better I hope.

Catslife said...

Just back from Hols and read this - hope you are ok. I know it seems like a cheesy line but the hurt will pass in time. And thank your lucky stars that it happened now rather than after babies etc.

Catslife XX