Sunday, June 17, 2007


Its Sunday,
It's 7:42 pm
and I am not smashed and I am not going to Chicago Rock.

There is no way I could handle making a fool of myself like that again...well, not for another week.

Well, its a week to go until I leave the pub and Im going bizarrely mental. Not nice mental, horrible mental.

I hate being bitter and twisted. It sucks and its so unattractive. I made someone I like cry yesterday just because Im a bitch and I obviously cant handle other people being happy. Im sure I used to be a nicer person. Im blaming here for making me the evil cow I am today but what if when I leave here I realise that is who I am anyway?

So Im staying out of the way of everyone today. Im even doing my paperwork. I think Im going to start going to church.

Does Nelly Furtardo sing "She's a maneater, makes your cock hard" or what?. She should, I would! Talking of which I think I want to do rude things to a boy that comes in here.He drove past me before when I was walking the hounds whilst I was looking miserable, listening to Radiohead on my ipod feeling all sorry for myself. Can't see it happening though. Im rubbish.

Over in the boring world of ebay I relented and have decided to sell my veuve hunter wellies. A week to go and already at £40. I do love them but since someone mentioned that they were like the ones the doozers wore in Fraggle Rock I can't look at them the same, as much as I like to dance my cares away and save them for another day. I would much much much rather have a pair of red Hunters. Im still taking my green Huntress's to Canada. They are beyond cool, not as tall as normal Hunters and are wider around the top (im having flashbacks of talking Hunters to Annie in the pub last night).

BTW, I know its old but incase you haven't heard it....Did you know they asked Michael Barrymore if he was doing Panto this year? He said no cos he did Aladdin 6 years ago and has never heard the end of it.

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