Friday, July 14, 2006


On Tuesday night I wrote an absolutley hilarious entry, only blogger was down for whatever reason so I saved it. Since then my computer has been utter shit and I lost the post.

I wont even bother trying to rewrite it, basically it was about me being delivered a gypsie curse off soap dodger roger on Tuesday night whilst innocently ironing the bedsheets that the beagle had pissed on a day earlier.

Better news however is they swapped my ipod for a black 60gb video one, all brand new. So Im off to walk the hounds with it on now, think I'll start with a bit of "dirt off your shoulder"- you know cos I is bad ass.

1 comment:

Sam said...

As I witnessed the gypsy curse first hand Cat, i think i can pretty much promise your safety!

I might also add that Rodger is indeed a soap dodger - oh and hes a fuckin loony to boot!