Wednesday, November 23, 2005


It just occurred to me that if I was famous, or had a stalker (and not the Romanian that has taken to hounding me) then I would probably have been broken into last night.

Its like that creepy Francis weather man who used to to that BBC breakfast programme with the kinky Frank Boff-or whoever.
I remember when he announced to the nation how he was off on holiday for two weeks. I thought nothing of it until his next weather update when he kept going on about how he had a big guard dog and state of the art security system. My mother then had to explain how he was basically telling robbers that his house was going to be empty and a target for all would be burglars.

So, to clarify... I have now rewired the broken bit of the alarm and I'm all protected again.My alarm works fine!

After chatting about my beagle/alarm incident with Brewery Dave last night, I have found out that dogs chewing through alarm cables is apparently quite common. Unknown to me Dave used to work for an alarm company before he took to making beer.There is a little known fact for you.

1 comment:

tommybar69 said...

just looking aimlessly through blogs and found yours: it's good just read this one post and it sounds good. so did the weather man get burgleD?