Saturday, August 04, 2007


I'm going to that Dpercussion thing in Manchester. I am dressed for summer but it is now looking like rain. I'm not changing, bollocks to it. Although I am toying with the idea of wearing a ridiculous pair of black hairy boots.

Went to POW after work yesterday. Saw loads of people I havent seen for time. MKB is not looking well, he shared a house with this right knobhead who trashed the place and MKB had to get him arrested. He was then thrown out of his house and slept rough. Thats so bad, he is the nicest guy - even if I do take the piss out of him from time to time. WHat else? I got to the bottom of the rude text from the other night, it was a girl. Drama over, its all sorted. Went to the Thrillzone and Im having flashbacks of being in the Nags as well, thats quite random even for me. I like this Friday drinking malarchy now Im a working girl. I finally get that Friday feeling. Infact, Im feeling a bit better all round. Tomorrow Im going to the Tug Of War again, this time its at the Queens in Bosley. Its a right man fest let me tell thee.

I have been talked in to making sandwiches for the cricket next Sunday at Kerridge. My brothers side v a side of the Crowther. It better be sunny.


Anonymous said...

Have a word with your brother about that. He has systematically picked all the best players out of the pub for his team, now has a squad of 17 has left me nothing but crumbs to work with. It is gamesmanship of the highest degree, and the ICC shall be informed. Or, perhaps you could poison his sandwiches, in thanks for all the times he refers to you as "shitface" or similar?

Anonymous said...

this is crazy my name is jeremy beagle i googled my self and found this well hello im jeremy beagle from flordia usa .look there are two of us. ha ha ha jeremy beagles rule