Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Blimey, I am so tired. I'm still covered in glue from work and I think my palms will blister.
Check this out though...I am 4 days sober and I proper dont think I will give in and drink before my holiday.

On that front, the plan is changing. Looks like I'm going to Hong Kong to meeet Marisa then going somewhere from there for a week. Still might be Thailand, but looking into Vietnam or Hainan as well. Its still a work in progress so we shall see what happens.

I have nothing of interest to report as all I am doing at the moment is helping lay floors, sleeping and looking where to go on holiday. Looks like I will definatley be out of here by October as dogs can't travel to Canada in planes November-March cos its too cold in the hold so just incase the move is delayed due to the house sale we have agreed that I go over with Jeremy anyway.

I'm going to have to try and get this glue off me and then go to sleep. Im beyond tired.

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