Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have decided......

I am not getting involved with Big Brother this year.

Im not going to watch any of it.

Im gonna get E4 taken off my sky box.

My life is just passing me by.

I am aware this makes me very uncool, but then Im not cool, so it makes no odds.


Teacups and Fairycakes said...

I believe we both took this pledge last year. And failed. Or at least I did.

I'm quite excited about it, is that wrong?

katie the pink ape said...

I too need to take the pledge to avoid BB as i have obsessional tendencies. I think i may have to spend more time in the pub to avoid it......shame

Teacups and Fairycakes said...

I sky+ed it and watched it with my curry when I got in at midnight last night (smashed I might add). I am addicted already.

jeremy beagle said...

Quite pleased with myself, havent watched it or read about it in the paper. But then it is only day one....seems like longer

Tony said...

I other the other hand will be wathing as much as possible. I already want a relationship with Shahbaz. Thanks. But thats just between me and you.