Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Unfortunatley I haven't got myself a massive ice cock for the summer but as I'm anticipating a severve ice shortage (god damn that Magners) I have got myself a new ice machine coming. The Scotsman that I have (which when I purchased it was reliably told is the Rolls Royce of the ice machine world) is good, only it cant keep up with demand. I always new I was going to be a two ice machine establishment!

If I worked for Magners I would definatley sort out a promotion where they did some deal with an ice machine company. Its all well and good saying to serve each bottle with a pint pot half filled with ice but when you go through it at our rate its a nightmare.On Sunday alone we sold 6 cases! Thats alot of ice! I dont know how many cocks worth it is though.

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