Monday, November 27, 2006


That you shouldn't open emails from people you dont know. Is this really true?
I dont bother with ones that offer me drugs or whatever to make my penis larger, not having one lessens my interest in this. They usually read something like this

dear p************* enlarge your penis with hjvgdfhbahi;gh;ihjnJKL;DNKJBDLBF

But I have had one from someone which when opened (no warning notice popped up) read thus...

And eight. And that my meat which run like

It has an attatchment that I have not downloaded but I am intreagued.

Does it have virus written all over it? Ive had one of them before, I have also had some dodgy guy pretending to be paypal emailing me. I thwarted that attempt.

I was a victim of credit card fraud last year when some cuntie succesfully managed to bill me for their aol connection for 6 months without me noticing. Im more careful nowadays (I am also unable to use my credit cards,....this helps!! ha ha ha!)

Yes, I ended up a drinking and stuff last night. Argued about dentists, discussed Chas N Dave and drank hot cider infront of the fire. Magic Mushrooms on a Sunday? God's day? How rude. I told this man I would make him leave if he kept on throwing beer mats at customers. He denied throwing beer mats a customers. When I sat down I realised he hadnt infact thrown any beer mats.

Strong shit indeed!!

Umm, not really living the dream am I? 7 months to go though...

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