Saturday, December 03, 2005


This is going to be another one of those times when I know I'm going to kick myself later.
Ian Brown is playing tonight at the MEN arena in town.

I like Ian Brown, and Paul (who knows him and is working the stage for him tonight) has got free tickets.
I had already decided that I wasn't going to go as....

1. I am broke

2. I am putting my tree up tomorrow and it takes forever to sort the pub out Christmas stylieee

3. I have shit loads to do before my stocktake on Monday morning and I need to be with it tomorrow

4. We are short enough on the bar tonight as it is without me buggering off and I suffer hugely with guilt

5. I've seen him loads before

But since I have had the carrot dangled infront of me again with talk of famous people and aftershow parties I started to change my mind.


1. Ian Brown is immense

2. Its going to be untold (as the bear says) although I would probably be going on about it for weeks

3. I could pull in some favours and get someone to cover for me

4. I probably wouldn't actually spend that much money

5. I hate missing out on things

6. I could still do all my stuff tomorrow (although it would be more of a struggle)

So I thought I would ask my invisible man Paul,a different Paul, my kind of cockney piece who is never here if he fancied it. He is, of course not here. Hes all proper cockney and off watching The Arsenal or what ever they call them at Bolton.He is unfamiliar with Mr Brown but I thought talk of backstage and aftershow parties would tempt did not.

So, adding that to my list I have again decided not to go. However,I just know its going to be the best night and I will be sick for days after hearing about it.

I dont like responsible Cath3rine. She is rubbish.

To compensate then I have decided to get involved with all my paperwork tomorrow like a good girl, have it all ready for the stocktaker at 8am Monday morning....and then go out all Monday in Manchester and get cunted (sorry mother for using the C word) (yes, she is a reader!!) at the fancy foreign markets on mulled wine. BRING IT ON

And that my friends is how you deal with catholic guilt!

Kiss me bad self x Posted by Picasa

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